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Financial Information

We introduce ADBIOTECH’s technology intended to replace vaccines and antibiotics.
(Unit: KRW in millions)


Operating profit

Net profit

Income Statements(Unit: KRW in millions)

Item 2021 2022 2023
Operating profit -1,555 -4,938 -4,762
Other gains 2 1 7
Other losses 96 113 2,946
Finance costs 957 1,659 2,693
Finance income 190 9,405 4,938
Cost Of Sales 5,013 3,113 3,218
Net profit -2,664 2,696 -5,432
Sales 11,840 10,632 10,472
(Unit: KRW in millions)

Total Assets

Total liabilities

Total equity

Financial Position(Unit: KRW in millions)

Item 2019 2020 2021
Total Assets 20,959 31,018 28,093
Current Assets 8,672 14,123 13,417
Non-current Assets 12,287 16,895 14,676
Total equity 5,106 16,185 10,847
Capital surplus 18,293 27,257 27,257
Share capital 3,847 4,570 4,570
Retained earnings -16,270 -13,574 -16,431
Current liabilities 12,626 11,793 12,990
Total liabilities 15,854 14,833 17,246
Non-Current liabilities 3,228 3,040 4,256